Sunday, March 8, 2015

White is the New Black

Well, white people, welcome to niggerdom. Racism is never about race but privilege. Race is just a convenient way of enforcing privilege. Very handy to have around, it turns out, if you're determined to live off the fat of the land and the toil of others. The English have it fixed so you know someone's class the instant they utter a word and it persists that way to an amazing extent generationally.

It's really true that all of human civilization is a flash, a nearly instantaneous occurrence of bacterial good fortune. We're the bacteria, a suddenly, exponentially growing pocket of schmutz, exploding in numbers through cultural and environmental largess, a rich growing medium. Maybe God's schmutz, but we evidently have the brains of bacteria when it comes to ensuring our prospects of survival. 

Oh, we'll survive all right but probably in a science fiction wasteland of reduced numbers. Picture us in our Petri dish, squabbling in idiot groups of invented differentiation while our growing medium goes to shit. Even bacteria are programmed with the good sense not to do this. So consciousness, whatever the fuck it is, was wasted on us. In fact it only makes it painful to witness our stupidity.

And racism is nothing but the product of illusion and mental dysfunction. Whatever we do to other people we do to ourselves and, with everything being faster these days in the desperate frenzy of resource consumption, the racists are getting a faceful of their own medicine in blowback. Poorer white people are becoming black, as they vote away their own privilege out of ignorance and spite.

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