Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Famous Recipe

Mitch McConnell's famous recipe fried government is scrambling to keep up with the lean and low-fat trend of the Tea Party, so the extra-crispy version we're used to is heading out. All that batter and deep fried bullshit gave us huge deficits and all kinds of sclerosis.

Fat-cat government is way entrenched, though, and they're determined to cut the flab where there isn't much, in the middle and lower income levels, so we may lose some muscle. How far can people be pushed before they realize they're being barbecued? We'll see.

The Second Amendment is crucial to the whole mess. The Right is right about small government, but it includes the military. That's the subtext to the Second Amendment: we were not meant to have a large standing army and huge stocks of war materiel and weaponry.

Farmers with guns, that was the idea, who would defend the country flat-out because they were owners, investors, and wouldn't be screwed with. It put the power and responsibility in the broad base of the population. Those were the days, a faded memory.

Technology changed it all, the righties could reasonably argue, but how does that not apply equally to education and healthcare? Smoke that in your pipe, Mitch, you bitch, and either cough up the money for those as well or start pulling it out of the military, Colonel.

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