Wednesday, December 10, 2014

They Shoot Niggers, Don't They?

For the white people in the dance marathon of life, trying to keep going while knowing that the minute they stop they'll face the increasingly unpleasant reality of mortality, nigger-shooting can only be understood as a death wish, a perverted form of envy, reflecting white folk's desire for a simpler life such as they enjoy who are unafflicted with the white man's burden, the deaths of whom mean nothing, or at least not much. The burden of being a higher echelon of humanity, that is, weighs heavily on white people.

They have miles to go before they can sleep. The lives of black folk are envied because they are more immersed in the natural world, a subspecies of humanity closer to our collective roots, unaware of the cares of their more intelligent and evolved cousins. But white people don't understand that the ennui is all their own. It's probably mistaken association. To the extent that black people are different, as a class, they feel everything more. Maybe it's not mistaken or white people just don't give a shit to too great an extent.

Actually I think it's envy, purely and simply, black people being seen as nearer to the condition of humanity before the fall from grace. So black people are a standing insult to white people, since they are in some way closer to God, a standing insult in the same way Jews are to Christians because the Jews have a claim on Jesus the Christians can't have and so are killed with all kinds of invented justifications. This is so fucked up, though I wouldn't dispute that there are people closer to God than white people.

Godliness being associated with less in the way of worldly power, it seems, because all power is God's by right and can only be properly employed in the furtherance of His ends, which didn't include killing black people the last time I checked. White people just can't see black people as they are, both more and less like them at the same time, and so shoot them out of misunderstanding and fear. They are still, sadly, Puritans burning witches, the witches bearing the burden of their own unacknowledged darkness.

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