Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Rising Tide

How did we get to be the old world? America feels old to me now and Europe feels young. Even the screwed-up places in Europe and Asia and Africa feel young in comparison with us.

I guess that's what we get for taking on the role of world parent. Am I wrong or didn't we do that voluntarily? So at least we should set a good example for the young ones, you know.

But now they all want to be like us, to consume stuff like there's no tomorrow, which, if we keep it up, will mean there really won't be a tomorrow. Food for thought, you would think.

Not, of course, if you're Republican. They are against it. Thinking, I mean. They believe in belief, which sounds circular and ingrown and somehow incestuous, an idea involved with itself.

It's time for resolutions, as of today. A new year is upon us. Let's just resolve to do better, as a country. Lose weight, stop drinking and so on. Be kinder and gentler and maybe points of light.

All of that rings kind of familiar. I wonder who came up with it. I wouldn't want to unwittingly steal somebody's stuff. I could be sued for plagiarism. I know I didn't come up with "rising tide."

But I keep hearing those words in my head in relation to global warming. Was that the context, maybe, because the tide is rising on us all. Circumstances are changing. We should adapt, I suppose.

There are fireworks planned for tonight. I'll mull it all over while I'm enjoying that. I don't want to overreact out of urgency or anything. There's always tomorrow. There is, isn't there?

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