Thursday, December 4, 2014

No, Virginia, There Isn't a Santa Claus

And you had better get over it now. There is no free lunch. No school lunch. Probably no health care and a crappy education ending early or in an insurmountable mountain of debt. The job market is sketchy so say your prayers, Virginia. You're just an Irish ragamuffin anyway, aren't you? You're probably screwed.

If there's one thing the Republicans worry about it's unworthy people getting free shit. Indiscriminate largess. I qualify that. Needy, unworthy people. It's the road to bad habits, sloth, and unending sucking off the state. That's the prerogative of corporations and the wealthy. My God, I see it now. It all began with Santa.

How could we have missed it? All those so-called "underprivileged" Americans imprinting on Santa, expecting free shit forever. Obviously a commie plot to undermine America and weaken its moral fiber. This is worse than fluoride, rotting our brains, having hoards of people stuck in a state of spoiled dependency forever.

So toughen up, Virginia, you little wastrel. Where are your parents? Working two jobs each just to keep food on the table? Good for them. Make sure you tell them the minimum wage isn't going anywhere, so they better knuckle down. You say your school sucks? Well, welcome to Pottersville.

The new Republican America. Screwers and screwees. Which do you want to be, Virginia? Wise up. Get a clue. It's all about competition. For your sorry-ass class, anyway. The rich, now, are in high cotton. Behold them with envy, and get over that Santa thing. The Republicans downsized his ass.

And the elves's jobs went to China and they ate the reindeer. Sorry, Virginia, I don't want to be mean, but you have to understand how the world works. Good luck to you, really. You'll need it. And Merry Christmas.

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