Sunday, December 14, 2014

Eve, Honey...

There are always unholy alliances on the road to minority rule. It's one of the reasons right thinking people go for democracy, because it's presumably not rooted in domination and exploitation, internally, as minority rule usually is which makes it immoral and unstable. And it makes sense that people would only give up their franchise by force or by the foolishness of taking it for granted.

Which, I think, is closely related to original sin, Eve having failed to realize how incredibly fucking lucky she was, probably while Adam was engaged in the Garden of Eden's equivalent of watching football on TV. Now I'm super curious to see how the Republican unholy alliance will play out, which should be interesting because they have redefined crazy to such a degree. They're off the charts.

Unholy alliances are an easy form of interference leading to illegitimate government in comparison with, let's say, a coup. Illegitimacy is what minority rule usually gives you though it's unavoidable in the face of extreme factionalism. Only a plurality is possible then, anyway, and it's more likely that the resulting government will be illegitimate. Alliances are unholy by definition when they're reductive.

When the town isn't big enough for both or all of the factions, for example, and when their militancy and self-righteousness rule out compromise. Does the name Ted Cruz come to mind? So the current Republican coalition is an affront not just to our democracy but to civilization in general. They are discontented with that. The coalition is unholy as hell and bent on destruction, the annihilation of everything.

They are against the basic mechanisms underlying civilization, the giving up of some power for the greater, long-term good. The Cruz crowd doesn't believe in it, the greater good and the long term. The long term is annihilation for them because they are religious fanatics. It's the Apocalypse. And there is no "greater good" in the land of the elect, so any appearance of legitimacy is a smokescreen.

They are God's chosen people. Try to argue with that. It's outside the realm of argument. It's experiential and exclusive and insane. Think on that and try to comprehend it because they're coming after us, the heathen and the non-elect, meaning Democrats and other unworthies. And their greatest ally is our complacency, the complacency of the majority, and this is a hard thing to grasp.

Because none of it makes any sense, that we should have to worry, being the majority and not insane but I'm working on understanding it sitting here on the sofa. Meanwhile, there's football to watch and Eve, honey, will you pass me another cold one?

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