Thursday, August 31, 2023

There's No Accounting for Bush

Republicans seem awfully defensive about accountability for Trump, whose crimes are so astonishing. All I can figure is it must be a reflex. He's their guy and they are going to defend him, no matter he's a crook and a sociopath and a killer. Well, then, we have another former president who was never held to account, Herr Bush, so maybe we should investigate him. 

There's been a little time there and he's a retired sociopathic killer whereas Trump is still active and seeking office, if only to escape prison. Maybe they'll be less defensive.

Bush's crimes will take more than a cursory look, to say the least. He's been investigated extensively but nothing you could teach in the Florida schools. He got hundreds of thousands of people killed, tens of millions displaced, botched the administration of two wars, one of which he lied us into, and neatly blew up the world economy like any good laissez-faire playboy. Whew!

The effects are still playing out. The '08 downturn Republicans caused correlated with a huge spike in the right-wing extremism that now plagues the world. Add to that the immigration aspect and Bush appears to have nearly destroyed everything. What's more, he USED the 9/11 disaster to try to put through a laundry list of stupid, partisan and criminally incompetent policies.

Tax cuts for the rich? A blow against terrorism! Apparently taxes are terrorism.

What kind of person does this sort of thing? And then walks away from the incredible destruction and carnage muttering about how 'history will judge' and then paints portraits of soldiers he got maimed? A worthless piece of shit, you might say. A man without a conscience. A rich frat boy who never learned about consequences. And you would be right. Maybe now is the time.

The time for an accounting for Bush. And some consequences.

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