Monday, August 7, 2023

Trump Zombie Hordes

Once in a while I'll try to step back and appreciate what an astonishing piece of shit Trump is, a hopeless task. Trump's shithood defies appreciation. An aspect of it, maybe, can be encountered in the the moment and taken in, but the totality of it is simply too much. 

Too much by factors and accolades. You see what happens to language when you try to go there. It breaks down. Analytical success is out of the question. The focus required means a loss of scope. Experientially it's unrelatable, because of a lack of integrity. 

His shithood has integrity in the sense of being efficiently evil but not Trump, since it falsely assumes he's human and coherent. An action or activity might be encompassed but the extent of the whole is beyond mortal means, an interstellar quantum as incomprehensible as the quark or muon of his humanity, which is imperceptibly fragmentary and figmentary. 

Here we encounter the Trump Effect, that reality decomposes in contact with him. Reality and unreality cease to be useful constructs, since the preconditions for comprehension within that framework are unmet, leaving us with probabilities and conjecture. 

Since we can only encounter him on the basis of our common humanity. But he is antimatter and anathema to it. A lead-lined box of a sort is the only answer I can conceive, complete quarantine, but in order for it to sustain life we would have to risk contamination.

The leaking out of his degrading influence. Which brings us to the minions. We encounter a contagious loss of humanity, likely to reach critical mass or a tipping point and attain reactive irresistibility. Humanity will disappear in an instant. In an imperceptible moment. 

We'll never know what hit us. By humanity we mean meaning. Intelligibility. The logos, for those with a biblical bent.

Through the degraded Trump zombie hordes we see the need for action. The Trump destructive principle must be smashed to atoms and particles, deconstructed and reduced to nothing. Which isn't killing since, as we've said, there's nothing there to kill. They're already dead. 

Presumably this means the loss of the man, as we know him, and the zombies he's infected or infested. 

Though it can't be ruled out that his effects can be deactivated independently of the human or subhuman form. There might even be a husk of humanity remaining, a soul shriveled into oblivion. But we must save humanity first. Whatever Trump is, it's out of science fiction. 

A force from a place incompatible with intelligence and decency. He or it must be eradicated.

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