Monday, August 14, 2023

Getting Out of Doge

You have to wonder if we aren't back in a speculative economy, where there's no 'there' there or not enough of it to justify anything. And what with crypto, which might be no more funky than a lot of other stuff but plenty funky enough. At least that 'investment' doesn't pretend to be something it isn't. 

Unless you're an idiot. 

There must be a sucker born every second, with population growth. Dogecoin doesn't pretend. And you could get rich on it. It owned its unreality. It has layers or factors of unreality. It's multidimensionally made up and a matryoshka doll of invention. It satirizes itself and celebrates self-contradiction.

You can be evolved as hell at something that's unreal, or is a waste or only benefits you at the expense of everyone else. And the speculators and crooks in charge now are those who gave us the Great Depression. Democrats got us out of it. Or at least tried to keep people from starving while it was going on. 

Of course, Musk has a thing for Dogecoin. He'd be drawn to it. Because crypto is a lie. But so is art in the sense of fabrication. Doge might be a benign kind of lie. Virginal and unsullied, which would explain the Muskian interest. Since he's so arrested -- a geek thing. With a huge dollop of authority issues on top.

They're trying to prove their manhood. And once you go there you're screwed. It's the Oedipal dilemma. Participating in that struggle only proves you've lost, that you haven't escaped dependency. Inevitably they end up with their mothers, and engage in misdirected procreation and the birthing of rivals.

Instead of heirs. It's all fucked up and incestuous. 

A circle of destruction. They're in the wrong game. Their dreams of power turn into realities of shame, degradation and dependency. They create nothing. Maybe misery. Get out of Doge. All of crypto. It's a multilevel marketing scam. You might make some money but you don't want to be there.

Crypto is a lottery that disproportionally benefits early investors but with a hint of talent in the timing. Good luck to all who venture. But we'd be better off not hoping for money out of nowhere, nor having a system that so screws average citizens they seek security in speculation. We need a sane society.

And less speculation and bullshit. 

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