Wednesday, July 5, 2023

The Great Desecration

I say it goes back before Trump but it doesn't matter. He made it undeniable that Republicans would love it if you spoiled and soiled everything. Which Trump did, routinely and compulsively. He loved to splash shit our ideals, tear down standards and make people kowtow to him and don the cloak of servility.

Maybe 'make' is a little strong. Republicans stood in line and volunteered to humiliate themselves in front of him, to stay in the power loop, with shocking predictability. The country got Trumpified. As horrifying and disgraceful as that is we have to own it. We go used to not owning stuff under Republicans.

Nixon, Reagan, Bush. Enough 'cognitive dissonance' to last forever there. 'That's not really us.' Yeah, it is. Try too deny it now, as we tumble into a morass of self-betrayal. What do we stand for? Above all, making rich people richer, and ensuring that wealth is generational. And disempowering everyone else. 

As must be done so if the rabble realizes how it's been had they will be unable to reverse it. We're getting a solid glimpse of a dystopian future. Evangelicals want it. Relatively affluent Americans think they are secure or are in denial. They are expendable. We all are. Our 'rights' are going up in smoke.

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