Sunday, July 16, 2023

Splinters Up the Ass

Now, then. Republicans have been shoving a broomstick up the ass of huge swathes of people for over 40 years. That asshole is getting worn out. It hurts. This includes the working and the middle classes. 

What's left of them. As the pain increases Republicans multiply their efforts to divert attention away from themselves. If people ever realize how they've been screwed they will want to kill Republicans. 

The whole establishment. So Republican operatives, acolytes, and their propaganda arm at Fox News are screaming their heads off, 'It's the Democrats, it's the Democrats.' Because it's not. Because it's not.

That's all that's going on, folks. Nothing complicated. Just a lot of lies. And now the desperate aftermath of decades of astonishing corruption. Laughable corruption. If people's lives weren't being destroyed. 

But they are. Every fucking day. And they're not done yet.

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