Saturday, June 17, 2023

Roll With It

Let's not forget how Republicans roll. Laissez-faire economics means boom-and-bust. They create financial crises. 

Then, they move in. The pressure is always on to disempower the government, thereby circumventing the will of the people.

But the really crazy shit they want to do is only possible in a crisis. Cripple or repeal Social Security? Not usually doable.

In a crisis, though, they will argue it's necessary, that we can't afford it anymore. Of course tax cuts we can always afford. 

After the '08 financial debacle they caused the big players who enabled it mostly walked away richer, after engineering their own bailout. 

How do you say, 'conflict of interest?' And right-wing extremism shot up. All is going according to plan. Create fear. 

Exploit fear. Seize or consolidate power. Fuck over the 'little people' so they can't rise up and kill your asses, which you deserve. 

Then, they move on. Leaving the wreckage for us to clean up. It will happen again.  We are on track. This is what they do. 

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