Saturday, June 24, 2023

Covfefe is My Copilot

Oh, for the days when we could still hope that Republicans weren't totally nuts and that we weren't fucked. The innocent days of covfefe, which morphed into so much impeachment-worthy behavior. A COVID response that got hundreds of thousands killed, the actual sacking of our Capitol by Trumpist goons and thugs, and the qualitative easing of every standard of behavior. 

It still goes on. 

And, the cause of all this is not only not in jail he's being protected by the Secret Service at our expense and making money off the whole atrocity. I believe in owning one's shit. But just being American comes with too much baggage to handle now. I need a break. Forgetfulness, and anything to get away from the piece of shit controlling our destiny and his disgraceful enablers. 

My recent stolen election count stands at 2000 and 2016. No doubt about the Republican mandate in those instances. It was negative. Decent people would have acknowledged it and governed appropriately. They declared victory and did whatever they wanted, the first guy even using the tragedy of 9/11 to put through disastrous partisan stuff. Including tax cuts on the rich, of course.

And wars the oil people and evangelicals had been salivating over. The second guy blew away every frame of reference. And not abstract shit in my book. What's a social contract among plunderers? A nuisance. Equal protection? How quaint! Tax cuts on the rich ensued, of course, the holy grail, raison d'ĂȘtre and categorical imperative for conservatives. People must be screwed. 

And here we are. Approaching another election cycle with a criminal degenerate leading the Republicans and openly promising all kinds of illegality. They absolutely love it. Burn the house down! With Democrats in it. Because they're traitors and deserve to die and the 'house' is the federal government which they pathologically hate. Because they are the Confederacy or rich capitalists. 

What century are we in? 

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