Friday, June 23, 2023

Bonfire of the Humanities

As we become the Confederacy again self destruction ensues. If white southerners had let up on black people everything would have been fine. It would have been great as blacks were allowed to enjoy life and make all the contributions they could. Which were enormous even with the oppression.

But, no. The idiots started a war that got them crushed. 

And black people were used for more than their labor. They were used to carry the burden of the darkness of puritanical denial. Calvinist denial, and its correlative projection of all of the humanity they can't own in their longing for perfection and utopia. They unloaded their shit on black people.

Then tried to make a bonfire out of them. A human sacrifice. We're there again, with the impurity they so dread (which is only human fallibility, imperfection, mortality and weakness) denied and unloaded onto Democrats, the new blacks. The new Jews. The new 'others.' The new whatever. 

Open season on us. The bonfires are burning again.

Over nothing. Human inadequacy. Pleasure and innocence. Fun. But denial makes the darkness huge. They hate innocence, thinking it a fraud. Unless you're dead. Which they crave. The blissful loss of consciousness. But nobody I know has reported back from there. The other side. Not to me. 

The enjoyment of life is an ongoing insult to their convictions. That it's shit, and a pit of temptation, sin and perversion, as the wonderful creator made it. I think it's the one thing we know we have. For sure. Creation. Life. We should live it and live in it. Immersively, joyously, as best we can.

And as long as we can. Time to get on with it. 

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