Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Why the Lies?

Why do Republicans lie? They want stuff most people don't want. In the long run, world domination. Like so many before them. At least in Bond movies, Bond. James Bond. 

So they've created a suspicious array of potions and elixirs that do nothing except make them rich. I take that back, they hurt people. Republicans sell lies. And shit. What else can they do? 

There's deceit and there's force. Compulsion. That's where we are now, at a turning point, The lies are failing. Too obvious to be sustained. So they're transitioning to force.

This is going to be interesting. We've seen in happen in before. There it seems swift, to be read about. Almost instantaneous. But it wasn't. So we're not seeing it clearly..

 A four-decade or more creep of corruption. And we had better wake up. 

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