Microbes invented us to get around, so goes a line of thinking. And it's getting harder to argue as we're choosing exponential growth into a crash and oblivion, with the earth our petri dish. Trump and his Republicans (he officially owns them) are thereby understood as microbes. Bacteria.
Hence, 'drill, baby, drill' and the other reckless shit that comes to mind. Steve Bannon, a prototypical bacterium, had his brain taken over by a kind of rabies. There are many like him. Explosive growth works in the short run, I point out, if you like explosions. Crash and burn, longer run, however.
But the bacterial collective wins again. They play the averages.
A mindless horde. Larger entities are not the point which is the point. This doesn't upset my vanity cart, at the individual or species level. We've invented some cool shit along the way, and abandoning man's search for meaning doesn't play into it since I thought it was all invented already anyway.
I thought that made it more of an accomplishment, that we made it all up. However, I do think we could have prolonged our stay and become masters of a sort instead of slaves. But, Trump. Which (correct pronoun) has retained bacterial 'cognition' on up to the larger entity level and then some.
Then some through the spread of bacterial 'thought' processes which are only a drive for replication and the survival and success of the collective. Maybe, thence, Trump's love for Putin and commie-nism. As a being the mega-multicellular Trump is an agent and assignee of the bacterial collective.
He's their slave. Individually Lord Trump is incomprehensible.
A bacterial clown car. Is our species about individuals or the collective? Bacteria will have their way eventually and I'm fine with that. They are not God. That's our adaptation though bacteria are making a run at a takeover. Don't fault them. They aren't any more aware or evolved than Trump.
But, if it's up to me, I'd like to hang around a bit longer.
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