Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Trump for Resident

I'm renewing my extremely generous offer from 2016 and 2020 to allow Trump to stay in the country but the conditions have changed, in part because some forfeiture of his New York assets is already probably pending in relation to a court imposed fine. In addition Trump and his family continue to do illegal stuff right and left and try to subvert the government so the country is still due restitution and further damages. 

The thing remains doable but if a deal can't be reached he will have to forfeit all of his domestic assets and leave the country. And, if it comes to that, the culpability of his kids will need to be determined separately and individually. Trump's sons and the Kushners are clearly in deep shit while Barron is a novice and apprentice at graft and thievery but he is being initiated into it with a crypto scam, to give you an idea. 

It's a never-ending torrent of illegality and corruption with these people.

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