Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Baiting Habits of Republicans

I hate baiting. It's disrespectful and incredibly aggressive. A form of assault. But it gives the practitioner deniability and an opening to unload blame on the victim. No, you're the one. I didn't do anything. Why are you attacking me. 

Unlike any kind of honest disagreement. 

Trump, of course, as in so many other things, blows the curve and makes it easier to see what Republicans have been routinely doing since Reagan and especially since 1994 or so, when the vile Gingrich gang began their attacks. 

Attacks on what? Democrats.

Republicans claimed the high ground, of course, saying they were patriots, the real Americans and, typically, Christians and saved and all that shit. What assholes. Trump belittles and maligns people like no one has ever seen. 

If someone fights back, they're 'nasty.' He's the biggest victim. Downtrodden, disrespected and unfairly treated. Poor little Donny! So sad! Abused in relation to what he deserves, which is a world centered entirely on him. 

That sums it up, what Republicans believe in -- privilege. Getting something for nothing. Lives of blessings arbitrarily bestowed on them. Which is why they have to lie. All the time. Because the whole thing is a scam. 

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