Saturday, September 28, 2024

Indulgence and Discipline

Depending on where I was in some respect I don't understand I would either indulge myself when something went wrong or I would have some discipline. The first comforted me and the latter gave me a feeling of control. Maybe I'd do some of both and of course we all have that choice all the time even when things aren't going wrong.

But it's more obvious when they are. America always chooses indulgence. Maybe because we're rich. I think more because we're irresponsible. We're spoiled. And we've turned the country over to the frat boy crowd. Their response is to throw a party, get drunk and trash shit. We're living in Animal House. And, Bluto for President! 

Oil is our beer. Consuming something. Consuming anything. But 'Drill, Baby, Drill' is our response -- the frat boy, Republican response. It's a compulsion now, the only thing they know how to do. And they're running everything. 

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