Sunday, September 15, 2024

Republicans, say after me ...

'I don't give a shit how many people I get killed.'

Elizabeth Warren reminded me (article, not in person) how hard Republicans tried to kill Obamacare and how close they came. We were saved by John McCain, probably not because he's a decent guy but because of some honor thing. Trump is still saying he'll replace it with something wonderful that will apparently come to him in a dream or be concocted on demand by Stephen Miller and Steve Mnuchin or other such idealists and recognized humanitarians. But you can bet your ass corporations will make a shitload of money on it. Getting rid of Obamacare will kill people. And they don't care. 

The Baiting Habits of Republicans

I hate baiting. It's disrespectful and incredibly aggressive. A form of assault. But it gives the practitioner deniability and an opening to unload blame on the victim. No, you're the one. I didn't do anything. Why are you attacking me. 

Unlike any kind of honest disagreement. 

Trump, of course, as in so many other things, blows the curve and makes it easier to see what Republicans have been routinely doing since Reagan and especially since 1994 or so, when the vile Gingrich gang began their attacks. 

Attacks on what? Democrats.

Republicans claimed the high ground, of course, saying they were patriots, the real Americans and, typically, Christians and saved and all that shit. What assholes. Trump belittles and maligns people like no one has ever seen. 

If someone fights back, they're 'nasty.' He's the biggest victim. Downtrodden, disrespected and unfairly treated. Poor little Donny! So sad! Abused in relation to what he deserves, which is a world centered entirely on him. 

That sums it up, what Republicans believe in -- privilege. Getting something for nothing. Lives of blessings arbitrarily bestowed on them. Which is why they have to lie. All the time. Because the whole thing is a scam. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Girl Hands Trump His Ass (in Debate)

And Trump didn't recognize his own ass. He was, like, "what's this?" But nobody can say he's capable of self-awareness. Maybe someone should have said "sir, it's your ass," or words to that effect. Then he might have learned something. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Sorry Puppy

On Trump's sudden concern about dogs, since 1) I don't think he's ever owned one and 2) he wouldn't give a shit about it if he did, someone must have offhandedly called him a sorry puppy or something and then he felt threatened by any talk of bad stuff happening to dogs. Because Trump cares only about himself, one of the few certainties about him. That, and that he's an idiot. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Trump for Resident

I'm renewing my extremely generous offer from 2016 and 2020 to allow Trump to stay in the country but the conditions have changed, in part because some forfeiture of his New York assets is already probably pending in relation to a court imposed fine. In addition Trump and his family continue to do illegal stuff right and left and try to subvert the government so the country is still due restitution and further damages. 

The thing remains doable but if a deal can't be reached he will have to forfeit all of his domestic assets and leave the country. And, if it comes to that, the culpability of his kids will need to be determined separately and individually. Trump's sons and the Kushners are clearly in deep shit while Barron is a novice and apprentice at graft and thievery but he is being initiated into it with a crypto scam, to give you an idea. 

It's a never-ending torrent of illegality and corruption with these people.

Ars Longa Trump Brevis

"Art is long, Trump is short."

Trump the Entertainer

The Great Donaldo had a bad night at the magic show. Normally he pulls something interesting out of his ass but last night at the debate he pretty much lit his farts on fire. 

Nepo Baby Melts Down

It's tantrum time for Trump. 

The Charge of the Right Brigade

Into the valley of death rode MAGA. Determined, but nothing can make up for idiocy at the top. And the guy at the top is as clueless an imperial moron as any normal British lord.  

A New Dawn. A New Day.

To think we might one day be rid of Trump. 

We'll be stuck with MAGA but it's a start. Though I still believe the world as we've known it is ending, maybe it doesn't have to be so horrifically bad. I didn't watch the debate. I won't watch clips. I can't take seeing the orange asshole in action. 

But much credit to Kamala for doing as well as she did. 

The Personification of Sin is Trump

Sin is something somebody does wrong, though an intention has to qualify and contributing in a not obviously material way to a culture of malevolence or corruption or deceit or grandiosity has to count. What's right can is defined in relation to what's wrong, and the big distinction between a simple lapse or failing and the denial that life is intelligible and that it matters if you get hundreds of thousands of people killed because, well, you're a person too, has to be bigger than the distinction between sinning an not sinning, I think. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Thar She Blows

Trump is both Ahab and the whale. He's his own obsession. America's puritanisim has finally caught up with it. Everybody dies in the end. Because that's the desired outcome. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

The Calm Before the Sturm

This election will determine the fate, I think, of the American Nazi (Republican) Party, and so the fate of America since they run it. And it's going to be close.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Shifting Sands of Conservatism

Conservatism doesn't stand for anything. Look at its history. It's a system for control -- I was going to say -- but it changes too much in response to circumstances to be called a system. It's more like a drive. The drive to be on top. To win. Which, you would think, means they believe in class and hierarchy but even that's hard to pin down since their need for order might result in aristocracy or oligarchy or some kind of monarchy or another kind of despotism but they want shit nailed down. And if that means nailing you down or to a cross that's fine. 

I'm saying Jesus was a liberal. Jesus was a reformer. Jesus was anti-authoritarian -- except when the authority came from God. And conservatives are personal authoritarians. But no person can be the authority. No clan or tribe. No government or confederation. No Masons or Moose Lodge. None of these unless they answer to God, according to Jesus. And what is God in this? The entity that validates our humanity. The Logos. God gives our lives meaning. Divisions within humanity are false, because they are arbitrary. But conservatives love arbitrary. 

They don't love God. They're looking out for themselves. And new technologies have made them nuts. The opportunities for control are greater than ever -- the surveillance economy and data mining and all that. They say they want small government. Then what's up with the massive surveillance state they created to 'keep us safe' from some ill-defined threat? Who's being protected? Not average citizens. Corporations and the rich. Always corporations and the rich. Because only they matter. To conservatives. And they're running everything.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Donald's Day Off

Did you ever stop to think that Donald has never worked a day in his life? All he's done in screw around. And screw up. Every day is Donald's day off. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Trump's 'Weave'

Someone was trying to tell him he's a basket case.

We Break You Fix

uBreakiFix is an actual business. I wish them well. We Break You Fix is also a business -- the Republican Party.

Shitstain for President

Vote for Trump. Because you don't give a fuck. 

The Tao of Trump

The Tao of Trump is collapsing and inward moving -- not a higher consciousness, a lower consciousness. Or, the loss of consciousness, character, identity and humanity. Giving up on everything. A brainstem or digestive kind of function. Mere existence. Meaningless existence. The plunder and ruin of every higher capability. 

Vance's Mamaw Was a Degraded Piece of Shit Bigoted White-Trash Redneck

And his mama was a slut. JD Vance is calling for less political correctness and coddling in the discourse. Fine with me ...