Sunday, January 21, 2024

Governing from the Gut and Downstream Implications

I'm trying to come up with an example, existing or historical, of the kind of government 'Burkean' conservatives -- people like Andrew Sullivan and P.J. O' Rourke, RIP -- want. And I can't think of anything. Something they might cite as a sustainable conservative regime. On my, liberal end I would say Scandinavia. Do I hear cheers? 

But on their end, what? The early Third Reich or Franco's Spain? Downton Abbey, Animal House, Don Quixote or Orwell? Maybe Brideshead Reconstituted for Andrew, endless unconsummated homosexual yen. I want to be ready, if I encounter them again. Authority is a must. They must have order. Order for us and anarchy for them.

Always, someone else pays the bills. Cleans up the mess. So they can merely BE. P.J.'s soulmate Doug Kenney scriptwrote Animal House and Caddyshack, I think. I recall O'Rourke commenting on a reveal he had traveling abroad about what made America great. What made us work. The 'rule of law,' he said. I assumed he meant for lesser beings. 

He can't have meant for his boys Bush and Trump.

Lesser beings like us. They, in their superiority, don't need governance. Just to be free. All they need is a rich daddy, or government, as a surrogate, to pay the bills. Growing up is getting a cushy job. On Wall Street, once. You show up and bandy clichés and the money pours in. Or, in the White House. The same, there. Clichés. Money cannon.

Show up, start a few wars, launch a few missiles and/or cut taxes on (yourself) the rich, watch the money flowing around in awe and retire to the country. Bush and Trump are models. Too rich to fail. Above accountability. But not us. We're the accountable ones. So, governing from the gut, as they do, as they famously believe in, means this. 

That, we're downstream from a load of shit. 

Which they expect we will clean up. Because they're better than us. The crux of conservatism is superiority. A sense of arbitrary worth and deservedness. See the link with Calvinism? It's there in the arrogance of P.J. and Andrew.  But how to defend it? They talk shit. Obfuscate. Lie. Rationalize. And they ally with the lowest elements.

Those too stupid to succeed. In order to fuck the middle. Conservatism means, above all, exploitation and polarization. Screwing the middle guy. The little guy too but who gives a fuck about them. Cannon fodder. Always were, always will be. Vietnam. Iraq. Afghanistan. If they're stupid enough you send them off to get killed. To defend your oil. 

Which some idiot (God, presumably) buried under some fucking heathen. And that, friends, is what conservatives stand for. If you can call that standing for anything.

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