Monday, June 25, 2018

Shun Someone Today

My favored treatment for Sarah Sanders would be the ducking stool, plunging her into the Potomac on a charge of being excessively argumentative. Shunning is much too easy on her. However, in these tough times when "conservatives" have an alternative universe of lies to flee to I'll take a solid shun, to which Sanders was subjected recently.

In a more fair world her children would be snatched from her and detained out-of-state. Sanders and her political movement have been conditioned to assume there are never any consequences. There weren't even in the case of the criminal Bush regime which killed hundreds of thousands of people. I know, first we must have justice for Hillary.

What are war crimes in comparison with using a private email server in the service of one's country? Not that Bush and his crew didn't do more of that than Hillary, of course. This is the fundamental, racist, illegal and unconstitutional precept of the modern Republican Party, that there are arbitrarily different standards for different groups of people.

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