Saturday, June 24, 2017

Plantation America and the Quiet Coup

Republicans will break any promise and ignore any oath to institute permanent minority rule. There is a tipping point and we are alarmingly close to it. Of the two main groups the racists want to disenfranchise black people. Those poorer, stupid white people are also voting to disenfranchise themselves believing that their masters will protect them from the sins of modernism.

Their psychology is rooted in the Scots-Irish experience of minority rule in Northern Ireland and in the Celtic traditions of submission to the authority of a local lord. This is why these factional societies never evolved out of the Middle Ages and were ultimately defeated in battle. Celts make the best cannon fodder and will fight for any cause their lord dictates, no matter how unreasonable.

They will be proud to have died in the service of their masters and betters, or their families will be proud for them since they will be as dead as they deserve. Think of a butler, cook, maidservant or some other underling in an English drama who's motto is to know your place. Money and power motivate the other main constituent in the movement, typified by the Kochs and their allies.

Kochists are in a positive feedback loop with the racists, not that they aren't racists themselves but it is secondary since they can reasonably aspire to total domination and isolate themselves from anyone they choose in their sick, Machiavellian dream world. If there are legitimate (internally consistent) philosophical underpinnings to their beliefs it doesn't matter in this context.

It doesn't matter because the thinking is undeniably inimical to the laws and traditions of our country, which they have undermined for years. The results will be obvious as we descend into a society resembling a syndicate and a web of competing and cooperating criminal entities. They are like the Mafia. To stay the hell out of their way is the best option if they can't be stopped.

You do not want to be on their radar. They don't respect any law or rule not originating with them and your life is of absolutely no value in their scheme if you are not reasonably wealthy. Everyone only looks out for themselves. Poorer persons are a positive nuisance and it's a benefit to society if they cease to exist. My model for society is an ecosystem. Theirs is a prison or plantation.

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