Saturday, March 11, 2017

Fjord Foundation

I have learned that Donald Trump, being as perplexed as anyone by his own greatness and identifying with the pillaging peoples of the Middle Ages, is inventing an Aryan backstory for himself, that he is a true descendent of the great Scandinavian conquerors, a modern-day Viking. Tell me he doesn't look like one--ruddy, windswept and with a jutting jaw and airs of belligerence, restlessness and invincibility. 

Not wanting to take chances, though, with his immense, inherited wealth he has spun out a think-tank and corporation, the Fjord Foundation, to pursue these investigations on his behalf and return the results he requires. If there is no genetic connection to Norse marauders according to his DNA that information will be suppressed and something substituted proving his plundering roots and lineage.

The truth of Trumpism is this, that invention is everything and that reality is what powerful people deem it to be. Like any rational rich person Trump wants the rewards of risk without the actuality of it so the Fjord will be a hedge foundation, highly leveraged and an entirely new kind of entity, an organization invented for the purpose of speculation in ideas and the reverse-engineering of facts and information.

Trump's superiority is the starting point, an assumption and hypothesis, and the foundation will then scour the historical and scientific universes for corroborating evidence or it will be made up. The Fjord Foundation will operate on borrowed funds and is designed to implode if threatened with insolvency and to leave creditors holding the bag. Trump will move on, in command of his longship, to other conquests. 

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