Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Camp of the Cowards

Steve Bannon has a known appetite for racist, apocalyptic literature (The Camp of the Saints) so I would recommend to him another such work, The Birth of the People's Republic of Antarctica by John Calvin Batchelor. Years ago I was working my way through this when I encountered a section so offensive to me I stopped reading. In it Catholics were a degraded, submissive subspecies ruled by Jesuits. 

Catholicism is also Bannon's tribe so he should read the book. He's too powerful now to care but I want to pit Bannon's racism against Batchelor's. Wait a minute, they're now both in the Trump camp, the camp of bullies, liars, lackeys and cowards. Isn't it the point? They romanticize barbarity because they feel invulnerable to it. They want it for us. And you wondered why their side loves their guns so much.

They are on the attack. Batchelor became a right-wing radio host so he's from Bannon's milieu. He poses as a serious, responsible Republican but anyone taking that seriously would have abandoned the party of Palin and Pat Robertson decades ago. The best outcome would be for all these racist people to get together and maim one another so that the decent, peaceful, sane remnant can rebuild the world.
Calvinists and Catholics are odd allies in the coward camp, armchair generals of the Armageddon. It shows, however, how extremes meet, some Catholics mistaking worldly, administrative authority for divinity and the Calvinists, schismatics forever, rejecting all authority and thereby becoming solipsists, reductivists and the arch-enemies of civilization. It's a tag-team from hell and where we are heading.

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