Saturday, April 23, 2016

Where to Go

Thank God for predictable digestion. I never have to use public bathrooms. I have my breakfast, with coffee, take a shit and go to work. I'm good for the day.

But for those less intestinally blessed things are getting more complicated. I can't believe it's an issue, what with various Republican murderers running around free.

This is how they do it. They keep you always on your heels by attacking on all fronts and you get bogged down and demoralized while they kill and steal.

They kill and steal while we argue about bathrooms and Bruce Jenner. Underlying it all is their assumption of moral superiority and the willingness to attack us.

Back in the day, of course, it was their religious conviction that segregation was ordained by God. White was right. Now might is right, money and power.

It's the same old stuff, the new racism. The old ways don't die hard they are unkillable.

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