Thursday, July 17, 2014

Painted Ladies

For some reason privilege is on display these days. Conspicuous. Visible. Maybe it's triumphalism. More likely it's a power thing. To demoralize the opposition. I don't know.

But I wonder where it might lead. Especially among the Neo-Confederates. Republicans, that is, since they caved to the social conservatives. The New Confederacy.

Back in the day it was part of male power display to have a very pale white woman. The sun never touched her skin. Unblemished. All painted up.

Doll-like. Delicate. Helpless. Dependent on her man. And, in a pinch, on the kindness of strangers.

With a difficult personality, to boot. Again, a way to display power. Through waste, inefficiency and stupidity. Squandering resources. To show you have resources to squander.

Anyhow, that look showed she didn't have to work because she couldn't possibly work and look like that. A sign of your power. Your wealth. Your preeminence.

So where do you go from there? I'm thinking, PAINTED WHITE MEN. The logical place.

If it's a sign of your power to have a woman who obviously doesn't work, it's a natural progression to make it apparent that you yourself don't work. Can't work. Not real work. Not and look the way you do.

We're getting there. Put Karl Rove in the fields for a day. Mitch. Newt. Rush. They would die. Something bad would happen.

Now I try to observe normal journalistic standards in this blog. As represented by FOX NEWS. Surely no one can object to that.

But this is highly speculative. It involves modeling current behavior and extrapolating from there. The road seems clear to me. The destination certain.

The fulfillment of the trend gives us White Male Republicans who look like Tammy Faye. And it's just so suiting since she's Christian, too. Was. And rich. Was. It all comes together.

Surely this is what the Founding Fathers intended for us. That they would be represented and cited, interpreted and defended by the likes of the Falwell crowd. Newtsters. Ralph Reed and his adherents.

All dressed up like the most flaming transvestites imaginable. I guess it makes sense. From the Enlightenment to that. Birthers, climate deniers and creationists, running everything.

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