Sunday, July 6, 2014


This is about the secret Republican plan for the destruction of American Society and Democracy, SIP. That's short for SUBVERSION, INVERSION, PERVERSION. I discovered this plan hidden in secret language and code in the movie THE MUSIC MAN. It goes back that far. 

The SIP plan works as follows: You get control of all the structures of power, private and public. That's subversion. This is done by any available means, though the marketing strategies developed in New York in the 1950's and 60's are usually used. Deception is the preferred method, in other words. 

The idea is that the products themselves, in this case all our governmental and social institutions, are qualitatively irrelevant. They have no real existence but only have meaning in the act of perception, which can be altered and manipulated.

Usually with the aid of inconceivable amounts of cash from interested parties, who contribute on the assumption of good returns, though they are acting largely on instinct in order to bring about sweeping changes in the fundamental way of life in America. And incidentally make a lot of money.

In this way the voters, for example, do the actual work by voting to disenfranchise themselves. Out of fear and confusion and emotional attachment to faulty, feel-good solutions. The presidential election of 2004 is a good example.

The one candidate was rightly described by a wise and articulate man as "Shit with Glass Shards," the other as "Chicken," in likening the election to ordering food at a restaurant. You don't worry about how the chicken is prepared, one would think, or order the other dish under any circumstances. "Shit with Glass Shards" was in fact ordered and eaten.

The structures, once controlled through subversion, are then used to instill mistrust in themselves and erode confidence in everything else collaterally through the use of incompetence, inconsistency and unpredictability. And nothing is easier than incompetence. Marketing techniques are again employed to spin everything before and after the fact. 

So you sow the seeds of confusion and make it so people can't think clearly. Ultimately you convince people that right is wrong, good is bad, and so on. That's inversion. The confusion has evaporated and you are left with certainty.

The certainty that everything is uncertain. That you are threatened and exposed to hidden dangers. Which opens the door to Faith-Based-Everything, a part of the plan. Since people can no longer reason for themselves they look elsewhere for explanations. 

And explanations are supplied. Connections are revealed. The key is in the movie. There's trouble in the river city, Washington. Trouble with a capital "T" and that rhymes with "B" and that stands for 'Bama. "Pool" is clearly code for Obama, in the movie, what with those o's.

Why else use a word in which half the letters are o's. Obama is connected with every manner of trouble. He's turned the White House into a sleaze factory, the SLEAZE-HALL, or HALL OF SLEAZE. He must be stopped.

Your kids must join the military. March around in uniforms. Have instruments. Of destruction. You have to spend all your money on this, if need be. To save your kids. Your town. Your country. From Obama. The connections are obvious. It's in the song. You are left with opinions supplied by supposed authorities, self-appointed, all shysters and charlatans.

Opinions then ossified by fear. This is accomplished by recourse to the use of hidden meanings. Some supposed authority offers explanations which rely on esoteric knowledge, usually with a strong paranoid slant. Based on an assumption of threat and insecurity, that is. Just like in the movie.

So it's a form of gnosticism. You are in possession of truths arrived at through mysterious means so they can't be challenged. By anybody. And it's a group thing. Insiders, the knowing, and outsiders, the infidels.

This is the transition to the stage of perversion, which is marked by a consistent adherence to faulty opinions. Opinions with self-destructive aspects. Adherence operating at the level of necessity. Addiction, in other words, arrived at through implication. Through complicity. The people have become drones. 

A person challenging the faulty opinions will be attacked. The consistency suggests that there is an institutional understanding, at some level, of what is in fact right or wrong, correct or incorrect, since you can't be consistently wrong without this.

In the stage of inversion it is still necessary to market the lies because people need reassurance that the lies are true. They are still capable of dissent. Or they can be badgered or coerced into compliance.

The people are not yet fully invested or implicated in the lies and might start to ask questions. Questions which have no answers. Not rational ones. Just more lies. So you give people the song and dance. Emotional appeal.

Then the lies are internalized through denial and compartmentalization. The system no longer requires enormous energy subsidies since it is willingly supported by the people being screwed. Not that there aren't enormous energy subsidies, they are just used elsewhere. Used buying yachts and shit, for example.

It's like cigarettes. You get hooked and willingly spend money killing yourself. All this at a societal level.  Automobiles, for example, are like cigarettes, at a societal level. Addicting and totally unsustainable.

And polluting. Smoky. The lungs of the earth, rendered ravaged and unusable. Or like the consumption of goods at the level of panic. Or voting out of fear.

This is perversion, the stage of self-delusion. It is marked by depravity, self-righteousness and rigidity. Also extreme defensiveness. People in this situation will not stand criticism. Socially nothing makes any sense at all. Each person is an independent locus of truth, so they just make shit up, as it suits. 

And they choose to give up their freedom. To acquiesce to the will of others. Obviously this is a failure of responsibilty in a democratic society. It becomes a democracy in name only. You march around as a mass. Individualism is lost to enthusiasm.

The laws of physics are up for grabs. Known scientific truths flee for their lives. Revered rituals and traditions are unrecognizable, though much is made of their supposed observance.

The consolidation of power, called THE END GAME by the proponents of SIP, is complete and absolute at this point. Money accumulates at the top in huge quantities, in the hands of fewer and fewer people. Those folks assume they are immune from the mess they have created below. 

Remember, SIP is a secret. Most Republicans have no knowledge of the plan. Sadly, I guess, the evolution of the system fails to end with insane accumulations of wealth, as its inventors and practitioners intended. It is utterly unsustainable.

The inventors failed to see all the interdependencies that make the system, before its subversion, work in the first place. They are not immune. There may be a death wish implicit in the plan. Who knows.

They are essentially commies. They believe in the inevitability and transcendence of the class struggle, so they simply try to win. This requires deception, since the screwees would surely take up arms and fight back if they knew what was going on.

Acquiescence is necessary until the takeover is complete. At that point the consolidation of power is so great maintenence of the status quo no longer requires voluntary submission. 

At this point you have a parade. To celebrate or as a distraction or just as revelry. It helps keep everyone from thinking and worrying. And may bring in a few more converts, though they're no longer needed to keep the movement going. You have long since reached critical mass.

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