Monday, January 6, 2025

All Hail Lord Trump

I think the inauguration needs to be done differently. To have Lord Trump take an oath while breaking it makes no sense. It's the opposite of 'performative' in the way it used to be used, accomplishing the violation of the vow by its utterance. 

But what to do? We can't brand it a coronation. Maybe an investiture, in which Don dons some ceremonial robes and a miter and shit. His hair is practically a miter. He might take to it. In any case having him swear to uphold he law is ridiculous. 

We'll have to tone that down. Or not have him swear to anything, though I can't quite imagine it. It's highly appropriate that the Supreme Court is formally implicated, anyway. They've been as involved as anyone in this coup. Which is what it is. 

Or we could keep it simple and alter the traditional oath by replacing 'so help me God' at the end to 'so help me Satan' out of respect for the truth. I like that idea. Keep it simple, and avoid dishonoring the decent, loyal people of the country. 

Friday, January 3, 2025

All Tomorrow's Potties

This is the Donald Trump story, about the little boy who couldn't stop shitting himself, but carried on because he was so rich and it didn't matter. Except to the people who had to clean up after him.  

The Night They Drove Old Dickhead Down

Trump's time will come. Sooner or later. One way or another. He carries the seeds within him. Of his own destruction. With collateral damage. It's all he's good for. The Lord of Shit. And his own shit will take him down. Retribution is his, but not in the way he thinks. It's coming for him. 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

The Last Temptation of Trump

Trump's time on the cross is coming to an end. No longer will He have to endure the stupidity and lack of understanding of inferior beings. But why must He die? He so wanted a normal life, but was called by fate to greater things. To be a savior. Even Trump must live out his destiny. And then return to heaven. 

To be with His father. In relation to Whom he is indistinct. Distinguishable but one. Independent but inseparable. Trump the Father and the Son are of one being, and their will is performative, in the proper sense, in that it is accomplished in its conception. As was Trump's life, because it is the will of God,

Wealthcare for All

Trump's second term is going to be about wealthcare. Republicans know that all the good in the world follows on the creation of wealth. How wealth is allocated and spread through the system is determined by laws of nature. These laws are as certain, predictable and irresistible as those of thermodynamics. 

The effects of these laws can be thwarted of course, but, why? That only results in a misallocation of resources and inefficiency. We must work within them. Messing with the results is like messing with God. What's the use? It's morally wrong and inhumane however it plays out. Evangelicals know this. 

As a corollary and complement to the nature of salvation in which God, being a dick, has predestined humankind and individual humans to a certain fate with foreknowledge and it is simply not to be questioned. Questioning it brands you a heretic and an apostate and requires you be stopped.

By any available means. 

The assumed efficiencies of the financial markets are as inscrutable as salvation, and are a kind of salvation, so don't even think about it. God's justice is beyond our reckoning so shut the fuck up. If free markets mysteriously create whole layers of seeming exploitation between you and the care you need that's just life. Be reassured, it's part of God's plan and your destiny by definition.