Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Well, That's Clearer Now.

That was a reminder. 

For anyone who thought John Roberts might have come around, maybe fearing he'd be remembered as the guy who oversaw the destruction of America by judicial fiat, the jury is in. Roberts was playing a longer game. And aiming breathtakingly bigger, as was speculated about when he 'saved Obamacare.' 

Roberts is a committed reconstructionist. He intends to remake America, returning it to something it never was. But there's this conservative image in amber of simpler times. An abstraction of unreality faithlessly rendered in fantasy. He thinks he has special access to the ideals and perfections of governance. 

The messiness of reality is what he can't handle. Everything is a theoretical construct. You can't cure racism with racism, or whatever ridiculous justification it was that led him to throw out affirmative action, for example. In a purer world he might be right. In the 'real world' he's tragically wrong. 

So with voting. So with abortion. Their eyes were watching godliness. And people -- sorry -- are not usually godly. I think it drives people like Roberts nuts. The awful imperfection. Which it's why we must love God through loving our neighbors and all of creation. Loving an abstraction is easy. I suppose.

Loving the imperfection is harder. Loving reality is harder. But only at first. 

Then it becomes easier, because it enables the same love and forgiveness and tolerance of oneself. And that diminishes the anger. The hatred. It's called Christianity. And what it doesn't look like is Bill Barr and Herr Trump rushing through as many executions as possible before the opportunity was lost. 

Which they did, the sick fucks. For the sheer persecutory pleasure of it. And Roberts is right there with them. He's got bigger fish frying than worrying about human suffering, since he's on the side of God and has God's sanction and some kind of delegation and franchise. Or maybe he's wrong. 

And he just loves the power rush of the crazy shit he's doing. The same kind of rush someone might feel -- hypothetically, mind you -- if they blew his fucking head off. Those Republicans have hell of a death tally. Iraq. Afghanistan. Trump and COVID. Funny, Bill Barr doesn't crave justice on that front. 

Good thing for them, including those wonderful justices now who've chosen politics over principle, and so are implicated in all those deaths. But Trump must be saved from the perfidious Democrats. Save away, ye fuckwads, but lose the righteousness. It doesn't sit well with all the blood and gore.

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