Monday, July 22, 2024

The Daily Planet

This will be the last issue of the Daily Planet. The planet is shutting down. We don't mean the periodical, we mean human civilization and the environment that sustained it. Shutting down because a relative handful of inconceivably rich people had to have more. 

Apparently they must always have more. The paper is secondary but we will miss it too. We're sad as shit about the whole thing but it seems we were no different from some mindless bug growing exponentially in its medium in a petri dish until they fucking died. 

I wonder if a massive minority of those organisms had a blast while their fellows starved or disgustedly watched them ravaging the place. Strange to think we were no different. And I wonder if some being has been watching us from above as we did the petri dish. 

Wondering what the fuck we were thinking. No Superman to save us now. Those who think they are super or aspire to be are the ones wrecking everything. I guess our assumptions about human nature were faulty. And all of the beauty made-up and an illusion. 

Not to discredit it. We should have appreciated it more. Appreciated everything more. Somebody said that once, that only the invented part made sense or meant anything, or words to that effect. He must have been right. At least he was on to something. 

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