Sunday, September 24, 2023

We're Totally Screwed

How much trouble are we in? I'll tell you. We're totally fucked. I say this because the people who've voted America into a mess have no idea what they're doing. They vote for racism and hate and, mostly, have no sense of it. They vote for platitudes, talking points and buzzword bullshit. 

I recall an article when Trump ran for president that included an interview with a black woman who'd ended up attending services in a mostly white southern church. She knew, she said, her fellow church members weren't interpersonally racist at all. At all. But they were all voting for Trump. 

This is how southern racism had evolved, to function without average people having to own it. The system did the work. In the worst case, black assertiveness, a small class of enforcers stepped in. It was seldom necessary. Thus most white people were insulated from the evil they were doing. 

And this moral blindness was inculcated for decades. 

We're facing people who were already indoctrinated. Trump's big lie is the myth of the lost cause of the noble south reborn. White southerners were primed to live and love a lie. And they were immunized against the usual appeals against it, partly because it's all wrapped up in southern religion. 

Which means they're unreachable. They aren't a majority. But they're allied with rich people who understand leverage. And they're all completely convinced they're right and they're unbelievably determined. So I think we're screwed. They will have us in the ditch sooner or later. 

It's only a question of how bad it will be. 

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