Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The Vogon Diet

Republicans worship entrepreneurs. Really, they just love money but by bowing their heads in reverence every time entrepreneurs are mentioned they can further the bullshit notion that most of these people contribute something remotely proportional to their rewards. Another lie, in other words. Part of the scam, together with rising tide and all that.

Makers versus takers. Oh, right. How is it then that the 'takers' don't have anything? 

Most Republicans couldn't be more the opposite of makers. They suck off the state in droves, burrowing into the system and hunkering down until they can retire with a nice pension. One step removed we have the hordes that are a job away from direct government employment, but at the trough. Heads buried in the trough. Feeding bags, sometimes.

Defense contractors come to mind. Lobbyists come to mind. This is more than a scam, we know now having witnessed Trump's criminal behavior. Organized  crime is more like it. Organized crime is it. We like to think the government is ours but insiders understand this is laughable. The government has always been susceptible to selfish influence.

Now it is completely bought and controlled by rich people. We're so wealthy even the scraps are good, so there's a class of affluent folks deluded into thinking they're autonomous. More likely they don't care. Too busy buying shit and tooling around in expensive, air-conditioned cars while the world burns. Oddly, as many have noted, a lot of little people vote for this. 

These are the idiots. I'm tired of making excuses. If seeing our capitol sacked and the horror of Trump's presidency weren't enough fuck them. Their destructor fleet is doing its thing, mindlessly, like the Vogons in the HItchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Except there won't be a miraculous recreation at the end. It will all be over. Nothing but death and nothingness. 

William Shatner was great on this point, after he blasted into space courtesy of an obscenely over-rewarded entrepreneur. Guess which one? They converge on certain desires, space and yachts and islands, the idea being a realm where they aren't regulated. But Shatner saw through it to the death. That space is death. Listen to Kirk. Oh, captain, my captain! 

We are so fucked. 

And all for nothing. The fucking Vogons are here with their destructor fleet of Republican trolls, operatives and functionaries, mindlessly executing the order to destroy. They don't know why. They don't care. They will conform, play their role and fulfill their mission. No drama, just demolition. No heroes or villains, in the end, just annihilation. 

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