Sunday, April 9, 2023


Spucklerization is when the lowest common denominator effect results in something looking like the Spuckler household on The Simpsons. The only thing worse is when you have more than one group descending to this level in which case you inevitably have a feud. You might end up with one anyway. Spucklers are usually armed, easily manipulated, and inclined to conspiracy thinking. 

They will attack unprovoked and spontaneously believing it's self-defense because they're so utterly incapable of understanding anything and just generally nuts. The United States, you will note, has been completely Spucklerized. Republicans needed Spuckler votes so they played to their ignorance which inflamed and reinforced that ignorance and then they played to that resulting in a downward spiral. 

Spucklerization is a horrible fate. They reproduce like rabbits. Between that and susceptibility they are worthy voter prey. They are not only against birth control and family planning they want to deny these to everyone else. The reason is unclear. It seems to have something to do with religion. Don't ever try to understand Spucklers. You will never succeed and you might get depressed and despair.

That is, despair over our common humanity. Association can only result in bad outcomes, possibly even contamination. You might think you're safe but Spucklers can instantly become violent and threatening over nothing, which is to say their delusions. You might then justifiably become fearful yourself. In this it resembles rabies or vampirism. If they bite you you might become like them. 

Avoid association at all costs. And pity the poor Americans. They are living in a mess of it.

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