Thursday, January 19, 2023

Devolution Fun Fest

George Bush was the love child of the rednecks and the bluebloods. Rich as shit, dumb as a board and completely without a conscience. Notice the lack of a conscience was the original common ground. 

They get a pass because they're rich or stupid, not that it makes any sense. But that's the thing. How a lack of consequences makes no sense, as though it violates a law of thermodynamics or ethics or something. 

So they argue for nonsense. Lunacy. They want a lock-in on impunity and they get that through lunacy. They're attacking intelligibility, asserting the world is just nuts so they can run riot and plunder.

That's where we are now, rich people and religious fanatics in a reciprocal mating frenzy, interbreeding like crazy all fucking one another, idea-wise, producing new generations of suicidal insanity at a clip. 

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