Sunday, September 11, 2022

Why Me?

Something I love about Trump is, since he's so infantile, he exposes the soul of conservatism, a philosophy of human variability that rejects pluralism, adaptation, and the idea of the existential value of human life. In the normal curve of populations they were born in the tail of excellence, they think, and already so fully evolved, so what good is change and what do we do with all these inferior people? 

They spent their lives trying to figure it out and expect us to support them while they do it because they are, well, so superior. The inferiors are also useful as cannon fodder, in addition to keeping food on the  table, which conveniently counteracts their propensity to reproduce recklessly.

The prolific and interminable wars started by righties, I mean.  

Trump, who slithered into existence very rich and whose only talent in life is belittling other people and defiling and desecrating everything he touches, is also a Social Darwinist but he's so incurious he doesnt't engage in their usual round table discussions dedicated to figuring out, why me? Why was I born so superior? There's an unanswerable question. And a roadmap to a life of circular reasoning. 

They beg the question, in the old sense, by assuming something not in evidence, that they are in fact better. Again, hail Trump!, because he assumes and asserts his superiority in clear proportion to his lack of it, so it's all about compensation for insecurity, feelings of worthlessness, and the disappointments of dealing with an imperfect world. Trump's 'why me?' arises from his sense of persecution. 

Of injustice.

How can they be so mean? So mean they don't instantly bow down and worship him and give him everything he wants? Any complexity Trump exhibits is in the multifariousness of his arrestedness. He's simultaneously a child, an adolescent, and everything in between, but nothing approaching adulthood. He's a gullet. A digestive tract, bellowing and shitting his way through life, the ultimate taker. 

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