Thursday, September 8, 2022

Deliberately Failed States

Let's say you're a person who only cares about himself. To an unbelievable degree. It's not that you want other people to die, necessarily, but they're just not real to you. There's no proportionality or balance. So, for example, it's more important that you get your way in every little detail of your life all the time and feel powerful and important than that other people have enough food to eat and aren't starving. 

Now. let's say, having extraordinary drive and maybe a bit of an inheritance from a driven daddy, you get rich as shit. You truly have more money than you can make sense out of. What entity is there remaining that is threat to your desires? The government. Only the government can possibly constrain you or require you ever comply with anything, notwithstanding you have the usual psycho adolescent egotist yacht, island, and planetary conquest fantasies. And by that I mean even other planets.

Your egotism is so infantile, boundless and regressive it results in a neediness that is never assuaged. You can never get 'there' because there is no there there. There is no sense of self independently of the neediness--the bottomless imperative to feel a certain way, important and significant, at every possible moment. What you hate the idea of, more that anything, is someone telling you what to do.

Nobody tells you what to do. Back to the state. The government. It has no legitimate function, in your mind, other than to serve your interests, which, politically, is not a particularly good selling point. But you have enough money and determination it doesn't matter. Even elected officials can be bought, it turns out, so you buy some. A dystopia ensues. A perversion of government. All based on (your) lies. 

Yes, it's all justified and rationalized. They want freedom. But they don't specify of what kind. They want smaller, efficient government based on business principles, a conveniently anodyne and vague objective. These are sorts of indirect lies. Because you're lying partly to yourself. But you win. You 'principles' become the norm because you pay for that to happen. And the freedom looks like slavery. 

It looks like slavery to average citizens because locking in your power requires diminishing theirs. Or so you think. But somewhere, deep inside, in your guts, you're frightened. Something in there knows security is impossible in isolation. Security is only possible through cooperation. We're looking at a deliberately failed state now, a perversion by any standard. It serves the long-term interests of no one. 

Welcome to the libertarian perversion of a free state, in which we're all slaves. 

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