Thursday, September 26, 2019

What Would Dickhead Do?

Christians today have a more accessible and observable model than Jesus to regulate their behaviors. They can emulate Donald Trump and consider what that moron would do. I feel sure that, given a choice of making a million dollars or making a million dollars while destroying somebody Donald would choose to destroy somebody.

Why? WHO THE FUCK CARES. It doesn't matter. Apparently, he enjoys belittling people and ruining their lives. It makes him feel good. It makes him feel like a big man—like a king, to which status he father used to exhort him. Nothing is more kingly than to be cruel, arbitrary and randomly vindictive with other people and pay no price.

This is the guy evangelical Christians support, chose to elect and enjoy observing in action. By this we know them for what they really are, satanists and an abomination to God.

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