Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Good (Fake) News

Try to comprehend that the entire world might be destroyed by American, evangelical Christians and rednecks. Their lies are that powerful. They happen to constitute a critical voting bloc in the most powerful country ever,

And, they happen to be in love with lies to the point they will die for them. This is not as strange as it sounds, Think of all the cults that have held their adherents in such thrall. Evangelicals were inculcated from birth with the lie of the “Lost Cause.” 

That is the lie that the good side lost in the Civil War. The Confederacy claimed not that they were treasonous, racist thugs, which they were, but superior beings and the chosen tribe of constitutional government and God. 

In other words, it was one, huge lie. The Gospel always was a story—a kind of lie—but it was a beautiful, humane story of love and inclusion. American rednecks have twisted it into a horror show. The “Good News” was fake news. 

Evangelicals aren’t in love with a specific lie anymore they are in love with lying. The loss of the central lie of their own righteousness is death to them. They have surrounded it with a defensive perimeter of other lies.

To the rest of us it looks awfully offensive. Trump and the “Fake News” fit right into the same slot in their heads. There must never be accountability and the truth just be avoided to the point of death. These are lies with legs. 

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