Saturday, November 10, 2018

Inherit the Whine

In our topsy-turvy world victors whine their asses off. Republicans have controlled everything for decades through strong-arm methods and deceit, creating a mess and culminating in Trump, in whom injustice and incompetence are personified. 

Ill-will compounds it at the defensive perimeter where accountability is denied. There must be no accountability because the crimes are too great. Republicans guard that door with heavy artillery and the armor of delusional aggression.

Within the walls there is wealth and hordes of degraded lackeys serving their masters. Outside the walls increasingly powerless people scavenge for scraps. Lord Donald looks out from his tower and reviles, rebukes and insults the paupers.

How dare they expect anything? How dare they meekly try to assert their rights? Donald is the one who has been wronged. His true inflated greatness is yet to be recognized. He bawls like a baby over every imagined slight and lashes out. 

He will never stop whining. The massive void and vacuum inside him can never be fixed or filled. A soul would normally reside there. Trump is a monster. Blame his supporters, the lovers of death and despair, for this ascendency.

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