Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Election Disaster

The election results are not as they seem. The "good guys" did not win. Democrats have never been able to stop the Republican assault and they won't be able to now. 

Nobody knew what kind of president Donald Trump would be. Now we know. He is possibly the biggest piece of rubbish in human history and Americans still support him.

Americans reveal themselves to be mean, ignorant and bigoted, the equivalent of hardened criminals. They are owning their depravity. Americans are embracing hate.

Americans have rejected righteousness. They have given up on justice and decency. We are witnessing the spiraling of a society into ruin, a national fall from grace.

Republicans are an identity movement, defined only by resentment. Their stand for nothing but their own dominance. There are no principles or rational policies. 

They are lost. And they are taking us all down with them.

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