Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Fallacy of Republicanism

Normally I am loathe to accuse anyone of being anything. I try to stick with behaviors. I don't typically accuse Republicans of being liars, for example, I accuse them of lying. If unsure I keep in mind the example of some of America's corporate elite, the CEO's of all of the major tobacco companies, each of whom testified under oath, before Congress, that they believed nicotine not to be addicting. 

That was in 1994, the year of the beginning of the remaking of the American State by the hideous Gingrich gang. I can't tell you that those CEO's are liars because I can't see into their cynical, compartmentalized, greedy psyches but I can tell you that it is untrue that nicotine isn't addicting. When people give up their individual responsibilities, however, through identification, what then? 

Republican Congressmen have lined up shamelessly to lie about healthcare, taxes and everything. What goes on in their sick souls, who knows, but these are lies as surely as any about nicotine and they are motivated to lie as were those CEO's. The nicotine lies were more directly for personal benefit, the lies about taxes and health insurance more lies of cult-like, doctrinal obedience. 
Isn't it fair to call people liars when they have voluntarily opted out of their individualism and degraded themselves through conformity, identification and obeisance while they falsely claim the opposite, that they are paragons of freedom and independence? I don't think so. We still can't judge people, only behaviors, even when they abdicate their individualism, consciences and humanity. 

But we can judge the movement, the evil entity of their allegiance, the virtual repository of the mortgages on their souls, the Republican Party. I therefore declare the Republican Party to be an evil organization built on ambition and greed and unfit for any socially constructive purpose. The Party is a fallacious composition incapable, on balance, of producing anything resembling goodness or truth.

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