Thursday, October 26, 2017

Marshalling Plan

The forces of evil are marshalling for their final assault on democracy and decency and the sniveling, snorting, salivating array of scum-hosts is waiting to see which of their many levers of power will yield the final result, irreversible control of the American State and the return to a highly limited franchise of supposedly superior beings. The devil rides shotgun.

Satan and Darth Vader and the quest for power--it's the oldest story ever, a compulsion entailing extreme insensitivity to the lives of other people, many of whom have voted for this in a kind of protection racket, preferring to be secure as serfs (they falsely assume) than free beings. But their lords will turn on them. More tax cuts for the elite are offered.

Old lies are frantically rolled out and defended. The leaders themselves must be astounded they can still get away with it, after so many years and so many failures. The devil is smart. Republicans sold their souls for votes in the South and Satan is coming to collect. Even they can't stop it now. The social conservatives are demanding a return. Hell awaits us.

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