Saturday, January 21, 2017

Trump's Trumpet Blows (Retreat)

Trump's clarion call of an inaugural speech came off as harsh. He revels in his ignorance and sees it as the strength of his assumed insight--the ability to cut through to the essence like his behavioral predecessor, Bush--but it's just ignorance and someone more educated should teach him about trumpets and traditions. Trumpets were sounded at Jericho to defeat an enemy, Donald's to needlessly stir up fear.

And Gideon's trumpets ensured victory to the lesser guy and that justice can't be exclusive to those who can afford it. Donald disagrees. And he trumpets raising--not razing--walls, to keep capital in and Mexicans out. The forward movement of justice and civilization has always been the point, however messily and incompletely, but not for Donald. He challenges even that. He wants to take us backwards.

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