Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Nice Nazi

Hearing anybody eulogize Antonin Scalia makes me ill. He was a Nazi. He was a person for whom ideas took precedence over people.

He believed in authority. He believed in strength. He believed in himself. In that last he was a fascist in a non-fascist role, a purveyor of personality.

He believed in a national personality conveyed in the Constitution and known to him to the point of identification, so he was yet another racist.

His sense of rightness came from a quality rooted in his being, that is, not from thinking rightly. He was a prophet interpreting a religious text.

He was smart as hell but it was used only to serve his masters, the lords of the flat-earth, who reckon that what you see is what there is. 

So he was a literalist, the Constitution's equivalent of Biblical fundamentalists, destroyers of meaning. He was all law and no spirit. 

He was a fucking monster. 

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