Thursday, November 26, 2015

My Side: The Losers

The Left hasn't had a meaningful hand in running our country for decades now. America was always essentially progressive: open-minded, adaptive, practical and not fundamentally ideological. We knew who we were, as defined against monarchists, fascists, royalists, racists, commies and such.

What the hell happened? We are becoming all of these at once. It's unclear which strain of insanity will win, but behold Donald Trump, way too something, a morphing maniac, spouting inconsistent positions which, not to his credit, occasionally include some sense, an intelligible policy or position.

There is no way the Left can not be implicated in this. Remember when we won the Gay thing? We were simply right, that it can't be morally wrong if it isn't a choice. You could condemn someone for having gay sex but not for being gay. The Right cried "uncle." Triumphalism ensued, on our side.

I can picture the victors in D.C., dancing around chanting "LGBT, LGBT." Tell me, how are the "T" and the "B" the equivalent of the "L" and the "G"? The "B" and "T" look a lot more like choices to me, not states of being. I actually don't know, but I do know this: people don't like to eat shit.

Democrats should understand, having had that feed-bag on forever, but we gave in to a lot of unseemly, self-righteous celebrating. It's bad morality and bad politics. We should have immediately talked about everyone having a place, a voice, a fair-shake, and a shot at a decent life.

But, no, we had to put it in their faces and reaffirm their worst fear, that they were cracking the door to a lot of other stuff if they lost anything. We could as easily have welcomed them into a coalition of people who reason and care. Instead we appear to be a party of outsiders and misfits.

I know better, but look at how we present. We make it much too hard, unnecessarily, for people who see things differently to want to join us. Righties should be running from Trump like a disease. We have made it too hard for them to jump that ship, with only our own righteousness to show for it.

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