Saturday, November 28, 2015

Brownbacking It

In the interests of ease and efficiency I pose a new question: what isn't the matter with Kansas? It's the new Republican utopian nightmare, our closest approximation to Afghanistan. Let's call it the "Screw Me State." What kind of morons voted for this mess? 

Good, old-fashioned, American, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals. Picture them sitting on their porches, cradling an M-16. Ewen McGregor's great rant from TRAINSPOTTING comes to mind: Kansans aren't even wankers, they're colonized by wankers, wrecking crew wankers.

In other words, they're such losers they don't even qualify as jerks, just dopes. Many other states, mostly Southern, are poised for this fate. We should put a fence around Kansas before it's too late, with an additional fence around Lawrence, as an asylum for the sane.

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