Thursday, September 25, 2014


I just got the OUIJA board out and conjured up Karl Marx, on an impulse. He looks so approachable in all the pics. Engaging. Most likely a fun, lighthearted guy, a regular Oktoberfest type.

Boy, was he ever in a good mood. All those years of waiting and he finally sees the possibility of a true communist revolution, the way he envisioned it, in a place where there's an existing industrial infrastructure. What's left of it.

In America. He said that the Republicans have now proved him right after a demoralizing spell during which it looked as though capitalism could support a healthy middle class.

So much for that. They have now shown, the Republicans, that capitalism inevitably results in unsustainable concentrations of wealth and insane, self-destructive levels of inequality.

That's Karl's view. I'd question him on the inevitability, but he thinks we're nearing a turning point, the point of no return. His excitement was palpable, for a dead guy.

The working people will be so screwed they will have to rise up, Karl says. He doesn't think they'll call themselves commies because it doesn't play well, but they'll have to embrace the principles. Either that or our economy will just collapse.

What do you think, folks? Get your OUIJA boards out. Read the entrails. Talk to your favorite astrologer. Reason and science are on the run these days. Vanquished. Removed from the field of battle, on stretchers or in body bags.

So we've got to argue the thing out on their terms. Republican terms. Ass-loads of money, and attack with whatever you've got. Screw the truth. Karl still had his Romney-Ryan cap on, by the way. I wonder if he knows something we don't.

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