Friday, May 1, 2020

Koch Monkeys Invade Capital

Some of the monkeys Charles and David Koch have trained for years to fight on their behalf have staged a protest in Michigan amounting to an assault on democracy, order, the rule of law and the notion that our nation is even governable. Before you object and say that such extremists are a small minority of our population or even of their movement consider that their organizational arm, the Sinn Féin to their IRA, has dominated American politics and the government for at least forty years.

Hand in hand they have arranged for its sale and bought it. They are exactly what our country now represents and they think it is okay to shoot you if you stand in the way of what they have unilaterally declared to be their rights. Not that it has been necessary. Those people in Michigan are the dregs, too stupid to see they have already won but they’ve been so manipulated and stoked with rage over the years it has to go somewhere. It should be used against the Republican establishment.

They are the “elites” who have screwed them. It’s tempting to thinks it’s a conspiracy but it’s not. As such it would be overdetermined. A conspiracy wasn’t necessary, only incredibly powerful people with common interests naturally falling into line and acting in concert. But, they needed mass support, troglodytes who would vote themselves down the river for trinkets and beads and a few tasty bones. The problem is the troglodytes are taking over. They have their representatives within the political wing, notably a faction of smarmy, degraded, ass-licking southern white boys. 

It’s the Southern Strategy, people. They did it right out in the open and even declared their intent before the saw, amazingly, that it was working and decided to go underground with the incredible cascade of lies and rationalizations we live with to this day. It was never anything but a frontal assault on democracy but we must forgive our fellow citizens for failing to see how bad it was. Try to put yourself in the place of someone who lives in a state of constant fear and hatred — and someone who has Fox on all day, encouraging them along. Mind warping. We are in incredibly deep shit.

Votes still count but it might not last. We need to get out there and get the job done. 

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