Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Lowdown Citizens Brigade

A source has told me that in private many Republicans actually own their evil and think it’s all funny and hilarious the way they keep winning and controlling everything just by being assholes. They’re like a lot of demented frat boys, Tom DeLay without likening themselves to Jesus, or those dudes at Enron who were giddy and weird when they were making a bunch of money creating blackouts and screwing up people’s lives in California.

In some ways this is reassuring. They know they are assholes. I guess that constitutes a kind of accountability. Now, we only have to carry that awareness over into the society at-large and instill in the remaining decent citizens the kind of outrage and indignation these Republican scumbags deserve, culminating in anger and arrests. I’m not pushing for firing squads though that would be fair considering how many folks they’ve gotten killed.

Some waterboarding would be fine to get to the depths of their depravity and uncover the extent of their corruption which we know is vast. Corruption is not an unfortunate and regrettable byproduct of their freewheeling philosophy of government with countervailing good things balancing it out it’s a deliberate manifestation of their ideology, which is to screw the common people out of everything by deceit and then force if necessary.

Thinking it through writing this down I’m leaning back to firing squads. But, that will be up to the combined will of the loyal citizens who remain and still support the integrity of our laws and society against the Republican onslaught. Let their will prevail. Again — and I’m letting my imagination loose here — Guantanamo Bay and imprisonment there comes to mind with all its attendant cruelty and humiliations since they are actually traitors.

Clearly, these details can be worked out at a later date but we must muster the will to destroy them. It’s them or us and our traditions will live on with us whereas with them they will be destroyed. The choice is clear.

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